Undergraduate Coursework

Senior Fall

2.008 - Design and Manufacturing II
2.009 - The Product Engineering Process
2.678 - Electronics for Mechanical Systems
12.021 - Earth Science, Energy, and the Environment
21M.600 - Introduction to Acting

Senior Spring

2.002 - Mechanics and Materials II
2.671 - Measurement and Instrumentation
2.70 - Precision Product Design
21M.601 - Drawing for Designers

Junior Fall

2.005 - Thermo-Fluids Engineering
2.086 - Numerical Computation
6.S080 - Software Systems for Data Science
24.120 - Moral Psychology
16.633 - NEET Autonomous Machines

Junior Spring

I took this semester off to intern at Tesla.

Sophomore Fall

2.001 - Mechanics and Materials
3.091 - Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
6.003 - Signals and Systems
6.034 - Artificial Intelligence
16.301 - Control, Dynamics, and Automation
ES.200 - Undergraduate Teaching
CMS.376 - History of Media and Technology

Sophomore Spring

2.003 - Dynamics and Control
2.007 - Design and Manufacturing
6.009 - Fundamentals of Programming
24.118 - Paradox and Infinity
21H.214 - War and American Society

Freshman Fall

6.00 - Introduction to Computer Science
6.A48 - Physics of Energy
7.012 - Introduction to Biology
18.02 - Multivariable Calculus
24.08 - Philosophical Issues in Brain Science

Freshman Spring

3.985 - Archaeological Science
6.004 - Computation Structures
6.08 - Embedded Systems
8.022 - Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
18.03 - Differential Equations

High School Coursework

Senior Year

AP Calculus BC
AP European History
AP Physics C Mechanics
AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism
English 12

Junior Year

AP United States History
AP Chinese
AP Biology
Advanced Pre-Calculus
English 11
Physics 1

Sophomore Year

AP World History
Advanced Geometry
Chinese 3
English 10
Latin 4

Freshman Year

Advanced Algebra 2
Chinese 2
English 9
Latin 3
World History